### Revolutionize Indoor Service Robots with Mecabot Plus Nano AMR
Introducing the **Mecabot Plus Nano Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR)**, the ultimate solution for indoor service robot applications. Designed to excel in environments like factories, warehouses, hospitals, public transports, office buildings, hotels, and restaurants, this AMR platform is engineered to deliver unmatched performance at a remarkably low cost.
#### Key Features:
– **Heavy-Duty Omnidirectional Mobility**: Equipped with four powerful Mecanum wheels, Mecabot Plus can effortlessly carry heavy payloads up to 60kg, navigating in any direction with ease.
– **Cutting-Edge ROS Controller**: Powered by the Orin Nano, one of the most advanced ROS controllers on the market, ensuring seamless integration and control of your robotic systems.
– **Integrated Sensors**: Comes with a built-in LiDAR and Orbbec Depth Camera, providing precise navigation and environment perception capabilities